Jess Bowen Hears Rage Against The Machine For The First Time! 😱 PT 1. Jess is the drummer for The Summer Set and has also collaborated with artists such as Jax, Lights, 3OH!3, and Alice Glass. We are putting Jess to the test of tackling the challenge of playing 'Bulls on Parade' by Rage Against the Machine after hearing it for the first time. Click the link in our bio to watch the full video where she highlights the significance of pushing boundaries, refining improvisational skills, and embracing personal interpretation in drumming. These challenges not only stimulate creativity and versatility but also boost confidence and offer an exciting path for musical development, providing drummers with a great opportunity for self-expression and exploration. #poppunk #defendpoppunk #poppunksnotdead #poppunkband #poppunksucks #poppunkmusic #poppunkmemes #poppunkkid #poppunkindonesia #poppunkgirl #rageagainstthemachine #bradwilk #poppunkisnotdead #poppunkbands #drumeo #drumlesson #thesummerset #whenthewewereyoung #boyslikegirls #statechamps #thesummerset #warpedtour #drumlife #welovedrums #femaledrummer #drumset #music #musician #teamdrumeo