Why Are There No Flags? | Interesting Flag Laws After spending more than 2 weeks in the country of Saudi Arabia 🕋 I started to notice something, for some reason, there were no flags anywhere in the city except for the large flag in the center. I did some research and I found out that the Flag of Saudi Arabia is quite unique in the way that it is actually considered to be holy by the Islamic faith ☪️ this is because it contains the shahada, which is the Islamic declaration of faith. For this reason, the country has a whole set of laws that apply only to the flag. 🇸🇦 Some of these rules include the fact that the Saudi flag has to be printed on both sides, this is because the sword always has to face left and the shahada (sentence written on the flag) has to be written from right to left. Other laws specify that nothing can be written on it, no designs or alterations of any kind. It also includes specifics on how to fold it, how to clean it, how to handle it, and that if it shows signs of deterioration it must be fixed in a specific way or destroyed completely. The Saudi flag can not be used to carry stuff, can not be tied to any animal, etc So people in general don’t really own or handle flags, in Saudi Arabia that is more of a Government job. And they take it very seriously, in fact the city of Jeddah has the largest flagpole in the entire world, and it’s 171 meters tall 🌏🇸🇦💪 #saudi #flagpole #jeddah #riyadh #saudi #saudiarabia #arabiasaudita #flag #saudiflag #travel #traveling #travelsaudi #discovery #interesting #interestingfacts #saudiculture #saudilaws #law #laws #midddleeast #arabia #arab #arabcountry #arabicculture