Tummy time challenge✨ Dont just place your baby on their tummy, instead support them at their hips and gently guide them over-encouraging them to do the upper body work 💪🏻**Some babies may need more or less support. This is a great sensory activity (vestibular input), an awesome strengthening activity for the upper body+neck, and facilitates rolling! A great way to prepare them for future rolling skills! Visually tracking a toy from side to side is another super beneficial yet great challenge for the visual+sensory systems, and to address weakness and limited motion! ✨ *not medical advice #infant #infantdevelopment #babymilestones #occupationaltherapy #pediatricoccupationaltherapy #pediatrics #pedsotoftiktok #pedsot #milestone #babymilestones #baby #torticollis #torticollistreatment #torticollisbaby #plagio #plagiocephaly #plagiocephalyawareness #sensory #tummytime #tummytimeactivities #tummytimetips #tonguetie #tonguetiebabies