The other night at the book launch I was asked to read an excerpt from the didn't feel like the right time, but I wanted to share one of my favorite parts of the new book BE ONE. I read this recently on John Moore's podcast. I talk a lot about men's health and mental health in the book. This is one part where I interviewed a friend of mine, who had suffered from depression for a little over a decade, he put in his words what the experience is like. I've never heard it articulated so beautifully what somebody's going through when they are in the state and what they need to get out of it. A lot of times we want to be there for our friends, but we don't have the skills to do it. That is one of the reasons I wrote this book, so that we have the ability to hold space and show up for our friends the way the need us to. Check out the full book now on Amazon!! #BEONE #wearethethey #community #mentalhealth #thejimmyrexshow #tjrs #jimmyrex