Boredom is essential for a child’s development and kids these days have become accustomed to almost constant overstimulation and have a very short attention span as a result. Kids need to MOVE, to explore, to PLAY with objects around them, and to observe social situations instead of being glued to a screen. It wasn’t fun to set these expectations at first, but sooo worth it now that my daughter can make her own fun and act appropriately (for the most part) anywhere we go! We aren’t a no sceeens house, but screen time is strictly monitored and doesn’t usually go over 2 hours a week and never happens in situations like dinner parties or at restaurants and I think that has helped so much with her creativity #montessorimom #montessoritoddler #boredom #letthembelittle #letthembebored #childdevelopment #ipadkid #noipadkids #screentimelimits #screentime #parenttok #parentingadvice #childdevelopmentclass #overstimulation #toddlersoftiktok #toddlerproblems