I always dreamed of a home birth, but was too afraid to bite the bullet and commit to one. My first birth was in the hospital and traumatic, and I was planning on having my second in a birthing center.... but my baby girl had other ideas. Thank you for making my dreams come true, little Clover ❤️☘️🌺 you are an angel in so many ways, and you have healed my heart. #precipitousbirth #homebirth #birthtraumahealing #naturalbirth #unmedicatedbirth #accidentalhomebirth #porchbirth #babygirl #birth #labor #laboranddelivery #newbaby #newmom #postpartum #creatorsearchinsights #midwife #thirdtrimester #3rdtrimester #4thtrimester #fourthtrimester #mom #momsoftiktok #momlife #birthstory #augustbaby #mybirth #mybirthstory #spiritualhealing