Replying to @becktoid antidepressants are usually prescribed before benzodiazepines, because some people get good benefits with them, and they aren’t controlled substances. Benzodiazepines are controlled substances, and are associated with addiction and abuse. Theybare highlybregukated by the DEA. Unfortunately, most people aren’t ever told that while anti-depressants don’t cause addiction, they do cause physical dependence, and you can’t just stop an anti-depressant safely either. All of these medications work by changing the way nerve cells in our body respond to neurotransmitters, but the problem is that we don’t have enough of these neurotransmitters to begin with. I work with people to help restore the natural production of these neurotransmitters without medication so they can feel better with or without medications. ##antidepressants##ssri##anxiety##anxietymeds##serotonin##norepinephrine##gaba##medication##sertraline##benzo##dea##anxietymeds##rootcause##gutbrainaxis##psychobiotics##mentalhealth##drmarandaherring