All your heroes came this close to failing 🤏 They had plenty of excuses to quit, plenty of reasons to talk themselves out of it, they just didn’t. And thats exactly whats necessary! 💪 The only difference between them and you is that they kept on pushing. Don’t be stupid of course, you still need to put food on the table. Get a job, provide for your family etc. But if you have a dream, it’s your obligation to at least try! ❤️ ‘But what if it doesnt work out?’ 😞 Well, what if it does? 👊 BE MORE SHONEN 🔥 Cosplay: Joseph Joestar 🌟 Series: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure ⭐️ #josephjoestar #jojosbizarreadventure #jjba #jojos #jojo #josephjoestarcosplay #jojosbizarreadventurecosplay #jjbacosplay #jojoscosplay #anime