“Can you help me?” ✨✨✨ “Let’s do it together.” One of my favorite videos I shared last summer. When I was a new parent 🍼… well I’m still a new parent, but when I was new new, I remember thinking, how will I know when to lend a helping hand, and when to encourage them to do it on their own? Geesh, the pressure. 😰 . These days I approach a little differently. I know now there are no rules to tell us what to do when… but that there is a fluidity between parent and child rooted in co-regulating, communicating, listening, and a relationship built on trust. A relationship that guides us in these moments and has grace when we make mistakes. What I think about now is that I’m the foundation of support from which my kids explore the world. And all forms of my support, be it physical - holding their hand- or emotional, knowing my hand is there to hold if they need me, will strengthen their belief in themselves, and thus help them become capable individuals. . So in the moment, if I’m not sure what to do, I ask myself, what do they need from me… they need to know I’m here for them, that I believe in them, and I try to act and speak in a way that helps them feel exactly that. I don’t always do it perfectly, but I’m #figuringitout and they are teaching me too! #raisingkids #consciousparenting #capable #selfconfidence #parentlife #hikingwithkids #outdoorfamily #family #momlife #motheranddaughter #hiking