Last year my favorite local, organic farm was a victim of pesticide drift. It hurt their business. According to Pesticide Action Network (PAN), “Some of the most toxic pesticides in use in the U.S. today are also the most drift prone, and yet this common route of exposure remains largely invisible.” “Even the most careful, responsible pesticide sprayer cannot control what happens to pesticide droplets once they are released from his plane or tractor,” the group adds. “And when conditions are right, these droplets can end up settling on someone’s yard, on another farmer’s crops, or on the skin of someone who happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.” PAN cites research showing that upwards of 95 percent of applied pesticides miss their target, reaching nearby people and wildlife, waterways, soil, and air instead. So while this video is comedic, the reality isn’t very funny at all. There’s got to be a better way #crunchymom #pesticides #farming #agriculture