Aphrodite Deluxe Altar Set 😍 A collection of crystals, spell ingredients, and altar decorations to honor Aphrodite featuring a marble-style statue of the Goddess. - Handmade Aphrodite Friendship Bracelets - Aphrodite Statue - Pink Altar Cloth - Aqua Shell Case - Rose Quartz Heart - Rhodonite Heart - Amethyst Heart - Green Aventurine Heart - Rose Candles - Pink, Blue, & Purple Candles - Wildflower Jar - Clear Quartz - Amethyst Point - Oyster Shell - Sea Snail Shells - Clam Shells - Fluorite - Labradorite Heart - Sodalite Point - Blue Howlite Moon - Rose Petals - Carnation - Pagoda Tree Blossom - Spell Jar for finding and protecting love - Wax Dipped Cork - Buttons #aphrodite #aphroditealtar #goddessoflove #lovegoddess #aphroditestatue #goddessaltar #goddessenergy #opera #altarset #venus #venusaltar #etsyshop #crystalmagic #crystalwitch #digitalgrimoire #energy #manifesting #intentionsetting #witchcraft #witch #spellwork #intentions #citywitch #apartmentwitch #easymagick #everydaymagick #simplespells #witchtok