I’d be looking down laughing to about how sad & superficial it’s all become. Instead of getting to know someone 1:1 and see if you click, so many are quick to judge by appearance and then complain when they wasted their time when they find out that pretty face actually had a nasty personality. Or people spread their energy to multiple people, never focusing fully on just 1 person and then get upset that all they ever find are situationships! Ill be over here living and loving my single life until someone wants to go back a decade and get to know each other 1:1, in person, on the phone (calls/facetime not just text) and focus soley on seeing if we click without entertaining others or liking a bunch of half naked women on social media #isaidwhatisaid #singlelife #singlemom #singlesingle #dating #datinginyour30s #healingjourney #healing #knowingmyworth #oldschoollove #selflove #selfworth #selfrespect #notanoption #choosemeorloseme #wontcompete