To anyone under the age of 25 listen up my little beauties! In your life you will meet people who you think you love, who you think have your back, your day one RorD, sisters from other misters , people youre almos certain you will marry, but if the ever show you a side to them thats a bit off, because when people show you who they are BELIEVE THEM , if they chat 💩 lay hands, or are rude to service staff , trust me , get rid! Your answer to bad behaviour should be walking away , take this from someone who should have 100times and more ! I have some homework for you look up the “let them” theory, and remember auntie Micas always got you! #auntieadvice #auntiesoftiktok #auntiesbelike #aunties #yourfavoriteauntie #advicetok #letthem #letthemgo #auntieknowsbest #thetruthhurts #thetruth