My pops had everything. Money, respect, power and a beautiful family. He lost all it years before he passed after many, many second chances. He lost over 20 properties he owned, lost his almost million dollar personal home, all his cars, all his kids, went to jail, came out homeless, and by the time he passed he had one single box of old newspapers and trinkets. Ironically the tiny room he rented and passed in was part of a huge apartment complex he once owned only a few years before the end. He had way more problems than drinking, but that was the true gateway that opened all the wrong doors. If you’re struggling with the bottle, find a way to put it down before it’s too late. Kava or not, just find a way. Especially if you’re a family man/woman. No matter how much your kids love you, they all have a breaking point. I was the last to cut my pops off many years after my younger siblings had walked away. The only reason I waited is because I’m the most like him, so I sympathized in a way the others struggled to. That sympathy only lasts so long though. If you’re hurting, get help before it’s too late. You’d be surprised with some of the consequences society never mentions. If you have a kava bar near you, try it out sometime. Ask the bartender what it’s all about and see how many people in those places have been in the same position at one point. All the love❤️ #drinking #aa #kava #kavabar #holidayhaul #ttstakeover @Mitra9 Brands *Results of Kava may vary from person to person