Happy Easter 🐣 or shall I say celebration of truth, empowerment, remembrance & possibility? On my quest to “riches” I have studied many forms of religion, meditation and spiritual/es0t€ric practices. I have discovered the simple, yet transformative profound truth that The Christ is within all of us. Beginning to ponder this idea will allow for a wider perception and awareness to arise. Everything that you desire is for a reason, EVERYTHING that you desire is Divine. Sin is the rejection of our dreams and hearts desire. YOU are a magnificent personification of love, magic & abundance. Pain and suffering is caused by lack of knowledge of this truth. . . . The beautiful aspect of all of this is how little effort in mind we really need to allow ourselves to expand- all we have to do is that the first step and ask. (Ask and it shall be given to you, knock and it shall be opened unto you.-Matthew 7:7-8) . . . If you are curious how to begin to tap into your power I cover the basis of this knowledge in a way that makes it easy to understand and provide practical tools that you can use immediately to begin to manifest the life you truly desire to live. If this resonates check out my course ✨You’re Already Magic!✨ (in bio) . . . (The information shared in this video is a combination of teachings channeled through Lalita Burton from the Arcturian Collective, gnostic teachings and the metaphysical teachings of Neville Goddard.) . . . #iamathatiam #christ #resurrecting #christconsciousness #nevillegoddard #nevillegoddardquotes #lalitaburton #easter #eastereggs #easterbunny #eastersunday #holytrinity #christwithin #arcturian #arcturianstarseed #lightlanguage #lightlanguageactivation #thewaythetruththelife #abundance #manifest #manifestabundance #remember