Replying to @Nikki Yes! This is very good news… I see that it’s scary for you, but this is the point in time when you’re going to have to make a decision for yourself. Your credit score can and will come back. You have to work at it but it’s not that hard, actually. I recommend that people explore all options available when they are trying to navigate debt. I also believe, as a bankruptcy lawyer practicing for over 25 years, the bankruptcy is usually a better option than most people realize. I’m a bankruptcy lawyer and I talk about navigating debt relief with dignity. No shame, no embarrassment, just an honest, legal conversation about debt. #debtreliefwithdignity #bankruptcybasics #lawyersoftiktok #creditcard #debt #medicalbills #repo #freshstart #startover #creditscore #bankruptcyisnotbad #financialliteracy #noembarassment #noshame #debtfreecommunity #debtfree #financialliteracy101 #financialfreedom #kwhdw