Something special about these connections that I made over the decades. Each individual is unique, displaying different personality- something way more than instinctual drive to survive. Not every shark is the same, and like us we get in moods especially if we get hangry. The point that I like to stress is that sharks are intelligent wild animals and there is much more to them than what most people think. They deserve our respect and our protection as keystone Apex predators, vital to the health of the ocean, that we all need to live on this beautiful blue planet 🦈🌊 Come dive with me my mermaid wifey @Ocean Ramsey @OneOceanDiving to learn more about how we can coexist with sharks. #respect #weneedsharks #ApexPredatorNotMonster #oneocean #extinctionisforever #rewild #biodiversity #sharks #keystonespecies #sharkid_alyssa