#panpsychism but the stories of our own lives are also #sentient. •• This is a clip from an episode of Y1BF podcast, where Joli poses the question of whether the narratives of our lives are conscious, with their own desires that often override our will. She initiates the discussion by questioning if individuals are truly in control of their actions, especially when they find themselves in regrettable situations, seemingly against their own will. Bill Clinton’s scandal is referenced as a prime example of someone sabotaging their career at its peak, raising the question of whether such actions are a matter of choice or predetermined fate. Joli extends this inquiry to the idea that people might only be semi-conscious actors within a larger narrative, not entirely in control of their destinies. She draws a parallel between human behavior and characters in a TV show, suggesting that just as characters follow a script, humans are influenced by societal programming, cultural background, and other identity factors, which dictate their actions in ways they might not be fully aware of. She advocates for viewing people’s actions with the understanding that they may be acting according to their ‘script,’ influenced by external factors rather than making fully conscious choices. This perspective encourages empathy and understanding when encountering behavior that seems irrational or self-destructive. #SamHarris #Neuroscience #PhilosophicalDebates #MoralPhilosophy #ConsciousMind #FreeWillDebate #Neurophilosophy #MindfulnessMatters #EthicsAndMorality #RationalThinking #SpiritualAwareness #IntellectualGrowth #CriticalThinking #ScienceOfMind #PhilosophyInLife #MentalClarity #Rationality #ThoughtLeader #PhilosophyBooks #EnlightenmentNow