For those who enjoy our videos, we have the perfect type of letterpress printed card for you! This card is great for Valentine’s Day or any other occasion! Ever since Jared initially designed this card a year ago, we’ve printed and sold over 400 copies. Thank you for your support and we will keep printing them! The text used is all individual letters of 36 point type that has been locked in the chase. Top line of “You’re my” is Sans Serif type. The word “TYPE” is set in the following typefaces from left to right: Cloister Initials, Crayonette, Old Dutch, and Cloister Black. The electrotype (copy of a woodcut) of the birds is from the Lewis Winter Collection and it was made 125-130 years ago. The back of the card includes an image of a Washington hand press and the words “Printed at the Sacramento History Museum.” This card and other cards are available in our Museum Store! This was letterpress printed in rhodamine red rubber base ink using a 3x5 Kelsey Excelsior tabletop printing press. #SacHistoryMuseum #valentinesday #valentinecards #valentine #greetingcard #typography #sacramento #museum #history #letterpress #asmr #oddlysatisfying #printing