Checking up on some pups I have visited before. 🐶🐶 Pet dad contacted me when he suspected that Lady Grace had an ear infection and he was correct. 👂Ear infections are common conditions in dogs, especially those with lovable floppy ears or underlying allergies. Infections most commonly occur when fluid builds up in the canal and creates a prime growing environment for bacteria and yeast. It can cause significant discomfort, so it’s important to prevent and seek treatment when the problem does arise. Some symptoms include: head shaking, scratching at ear, dark discharge, redness, pain, scabs and odor. 👉 If you suspect your pup has an ear infection It’s best to see your veterinarian as soon as you notice signs because ear infections won’t go away on their own. You’ll usually need prescription dog ear infection medicine. #nojudgementjusthelp #pitbull #pitbulls #pit #bullybreeds #earinfection #ears #floppyears #rescue #vetlife #vetstudent #vetschool #vet #veterinarian #nurse #nursingschool #doctor #unhoused #petsarefamily #volunteer #community #kindness #compassion #pets #give