It’s always a tough time for water heaters over here! The amount of people that sent this audio to me is alarming 🫣😂💀 glad we all agree 💪🏻😜 Everyday I get asked how I learned to do so many things … and no one really ever wants to except my answer, but it’s just this … I literally just started! We had just moved from Germany & bought our very first home after living in 13 different rentals and on-base housing. My daughter was recovering from her second heart surgery & my husband got sent away right when we finally got back to the states. I was beyond broken, depressed, felt completely alone again and my anxiety from my daughter being sick was literally off the charts! I think back to that time often and still don’t know how I took all that pain and turned it into something beautiful! I remember looking around my house that we spend ever penny we had on and thinking I liked nothing about it. It was nothing I dreamed of … and this is where my DIY journey began! I decided I would no longer wait for someone to come home, someone to help or anyone else to fix things for me! I would figure them out ALL on my own! I’m not saying this is exactly healthy 🥴 but, I sure get shit done around here!!! 😜 I’m also not saying be super stubborn like me … ask for help when you need it, but I am absolutely saying we are so much more capable then anyone ever gave us credit for! If I can do it … seriously so can YOU!!! 🥰 #diyhome #diybig #diyhomeprojects