“CONCRETE UTOPIA” a thrilling disaster film starring an ensemble of A-list Korean actors including Lee Byung-hun, Park Seo-jun, Park Bo-young, Park Ji-hu, Kim Do-yoon and Kim Sun-young. This movie is so good! Grabe yung Roller Coaster na Emotions while watching, Veteran Actors, “PLOT TWIST” super unexpected talaga nung Plot Twist 😭 I’m gonna rate this movie 10/10🔥 Highly Recommended movie!!! you should watch it starting September 20, 2023 ✨ Thank you so much @ColumbiaPicPH for inviting me🫶 #ConcreteUtopiaMoviePH #ConcreteUtopia #ColumbiaPicturesPH #kmovie #parkseojoon #parkboyoung #leebyunghun #parkjihu #kimsunhyoung #kimdoyoon #fanboy #cjgalsimhwang #cjhwanggg #HallyuTalkPH #EntertainmentPH