Hey Yuri!!! on ICE fans! Who was able to catch the Fantasy on Ice performance in Niigata and Kobe? Many thanks to Stéphane Lambiel, Keiji Tanaka, Yuzuru Hanyu, Johnny Weir, and the rest of the skaters and performers at the show. (My apologies for not being able to mention everyone, but be sure to check out the official Fantasy on Ice page!) Can't mention enough how surreal it was to perform alongside so many talented individuals. The songs I performed at the show, like “History Maker” , “Apple” and “Sukima”, will be in my new album 「Stars of the Lid」to be released on 2023.07.26(Wed). Hope you guys can check it out! #yurionice #faoi2023 #fantasyonice #HistoryMaker #StarsoftheLid #yuzuruhanyu #johnnyweir #StephaneLambiel #keijitanaka #DeanFujioka #ディーンフジオカ #藤岡靛