Just posting the full length version with our sound to show that we were paying attention and we did stop her from interfering with anyone’s moments with Daisy. You can see when we were approaching, Daisy had actually just arrived and had no line. She took a photo with one girl who was closer when she got there. Our daughter stopped perfectly when we asked her to (yay, proud mommy), then another guest got in line on the other side and the cast member directed us over there, so we went and got in line and all was happy. The cast members were super nice. They deal with people approaching from the side opposite the line a lot. Probably super annoying to deal with but thankfully our humorously excited little girl was a pretty good listener (in my opinion). No need to “grab her” as people commented on the other video 🙄, since she clearly listened to exactly what she was told multiple times in this video. #epcot #disneyadult #disneywithkids #disneyvacation #disneylife #disneymom #disnerd #daisyduck #parenting #disneyparks #disneyparkstiktok