I know what it is like to put in a tremendous amount of effort and not receive a return on your investment. It is made doubly more difficult when that investment is literally your life's energy. I know capitalism sucks and should be abolished. And right now the things that replenish one's energy such as vacations, bus trips to nowhere, and even just a nice dinner without worrying about the check require an exchange of value we currently conceptualize as money. And many of us don't realize how much value we add to people's lives and have no clue how to begin to even put that to a number. This is all a result of an evangelical upbringing that taught that self-sacrifice is the highest virtue one can attain. When in reality it only breeds resentment, frustration, and ultimately self-hatred. I encourage, no, I implore you my dear follower please stop giving away your life's energy for free. Please recognize that you have not because you ask not and you ask nor because you've been conditioned to see the act of asking as selfish. Break free from the cycle of self-sacrifice, depression, self-hatred, repression. Value yourself. Value your achievements and creations. Value the things you put into the world and demand that you be compensated by those who consume the fruit of your physical, emotional, and psychological labor. And if you need help learning how, I will lead by example. www.thesituationalpractice.com If this message helped you and you would like to show your appreciation consider buying me a moment of peace. Link in bio. If you struggle with self-sacrifice and are looking for a supportive community to work through it with, The Situational Practice has 723 spots available and I hope to see you there. Thank you for reading and I wish you a wonderful day whenever you receive this. #selflove #selfsacrifice #martyrdom #selfhatred #selfcare #patience #itwillcome #rememberwhyyoustarted #itsokaytobeselfish #yourenotalone #havefaithinyourself #yougotthis #youreapwhatyousow #youneverknowwhatwillhappennext #justwatch #isthisenoughhashtags #maybenot #maybeitsmaybelline #uhoh #icantstop #theyaretoostrong #someonehelp #howdoimakeitstop #imhungry #ishouldbuysomeoatmilk #okay #byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee