Harry Potter & The Ministry of Magic - The Auror Years âĄď¸ âDuelling Classes - Chapter 07â Defence against the dark arts was a subject quite familiar for Harry. Needless to say, experience and knowledge of the subject was truly mastered by a few. The young Auror had plenty. It was only right that he be the one to teach Hogwarts students this craft, guiding them through obstacles and ways to defend yourself in situations like those he lived on a constant basis. For the couple of those who would someday have the ambition to become part of the British Ministry of Magicâs elite Magical Law Enforcement Squad, otherwise known as the bureau of Aurors, led by ours truly, Harry was the obvious mentor to have, or wish to have. He knew the darkness of unforgivable curses better than anyone. Not only that, but he knew the pain those risks would bring. He knew how to greet death like an old friend, and therefor knew how to avoid it as well. With current threats on the horizon, such as a Goblin uprisings and fanatic dark wizards following past movements rebirthed by powerful rogue magic wielders, the time was right. Students had to be prepared to face the worst. Hogwarts was in no way shape or form a target, yet, but the Wizarding world was growing cold and unbalanced. Times were uncertain, and it was his mission to make sure the new generation had the means to bring light once more, by defeating death. Advanced duelling lessons were therefor crucial, as the danger was real. đ #harrypotter #cosplay #lookalike #instagram #wizardingworld #hogwarts #gryffindor #ministryofmagic #auror #danielradcliffe #wizard #potterhead #grownup #harry #potter #felixfelicis #hufflepuff #photoshoot #wizardingworldstyle #cursed #child #ministry #potter #backtoschool #of #magic @Steeve Li #felixir