Mama Ofe was such a sweetheart! She would never let me leave the house without her praying for me. She knew I had always been in a danerous line of work so she gave me a cross to keep with me at all times. And everytime Mama Ofe saw me, she made sure I had the cross on me. She had beans cooking 24/7 and her staple was papas con chile verde. We had it with EVERYTHING!! I’m truly blessed to be a part of this family. One of the things that kept my mind right after getting out of the Marines was the family getting together every single weekend. Not just for birthdays, quinceañeras, weddings, holidays, erc., but just to celebrate life and family. Mama Ofe is truly missed. Everytime we get together and listen to banda, when certain songs come on, the entire family cries. Life goes by so fast and so many of us get distracted from what really matter. It’s family, friends, good genuine people around you, human connection, the simple things in life. A roof over your head, food on your table, DELICIOUS food around here! We don’t know how long we are here, so make every moment you spend with the people you love count. It’s what truly matters. Rest in Paradise Mama Ofe. I’ve gotten better at dancing to banda and you’ll see one day when I get to dance with you in heaven 🙏🏻 El Yosh #lasuegra #mamaofe #family #live #love #laugh