In case if you’re looking for the perfect spot for birthdays &. bridal shower then @kapacious_f9 is the place for sure😍 📍 @Kapacious F-9 islamabad Save this for later Had an amazing experience, loved the peaceful vibe of this place, tried their Chowmeins, pasta & Polo chicken , They have improved their taste, also do try their Steak, Dm @kapacious_f9 for birthday decor price & details For more updates follow @food_exploration_with_umair #longervideos #1min #latenightsnack #islamaabad #gamercheckاغنية_لؤلؤ #f9 #birthdays #kapacious #bridalshower #islamabadfood #islamabadfoodbloggers #islamabadfooddiaries #islamabadcafes #foodies #islamabadrestaurants