今日で60歳になったぴ! まさかの還暦だぴよ! でも気持ちは9歳だから問題中臣鎌足! 「PEEK-A-BOO」MV撮影の裏側公開! MVはyoutubeにて公開中!皆見てピコ〜! Today, I turned 60, pi! I've reached the unexpected milestone of becoming a sexagenarian, piyo! But my spirit feels like I'm only 9 years old, so no worries, Nakatomikami no Kamatari! Behind-the-scenes footage of the "PEEK-A-BOO" music video shoot revealed! The MV is now available on YouTube! Everyone, come and watch, piko~! #PKAB #PEEKABOO #PIKOTARO #ピコ太郎#角野隼斗 #かてぃん#鈴木優人 #変顔 #PPAP#誕生日 #birthday