2013 CTS-V on the dyno today and, as usual, it won't be getting done as quickly as I'd hoped. the car had what appeared to be an oil leak but upon closer inspection turned out to be loose PCV lines at the catch can and the catch can drain fitting was also open, soaking the undercarriage in oil/fuel vapors. after cleaning that up, I inspected the tune and, as I suspected, it was way off. the injector data was incorrect and right off the bat, that makes everything else wrong. #bentune #hptuners #dyno #tuning #mustangdyno #dynotuning #gm #cars #GM #Cadillac #CTSV #LSA #ZL1 #SS #supercharged #supercharger #boost #alltheboost #boosted #6speed #automatic #lsx #btr #BrianTooleyRacing #dsxtuning #kong #dsxtuning #fore #Innovations #mechanic #mechanicsoftiktok #racecar #streetcar #diagnosis