Accenture was born out of the Enron fraud. This is the story of how Enron’s collapse created Accenture, the tech consulting behemoth now worth north of 200 billion. The connection between Accenture (one of the largest tech consultants in the world, with a market cap of 200 billion+) and Enron (the massive fraud that was America’s 7th largest company at the time and the largest bankruptcy up until that time) is actually really straight forward. The accounting firm that Enron used was called Arther Anderson. Before Enron’s collpase, Arther Anderson was part of the “Big 5”, which is literally just the “Big 4” accounting firms we know today + Arther Anderson. Depending on the version of history you read, at best, Arther Anderson was complicit in allowing Enron to perpitrate its devious accounting, and, at worst, Arther Anderson straight up cooked the books with Enron. But as the Enron fraud as being discovered, the reputation AA had built over decades vanished in an instant. But AA’s consulting arm wasn’t implicated in the Enron fraud. So what did they AA do? AA spun off its consulting arm off into Accenture (meaning Accent the Future), and $ACN is one of the largest companies today by market cap. $ACN $ENE #Accenture #Enron #Accounting #BusinessHistory #CorporateScandal #BusinessTrivia #Investing #SarbanesOxley #Finance #FinanceTrivia #stockmarket