3 Months later…. 💪🥲 Anyone currently going through an injury right now…I feel your pain. These past three months have been some of the worst months of my life 😞 I felt useless , helpless , couldn’t do half of the things I enjoyed doing before & it made me appreciate having two fully working legs. Imagine not being able to pick up a plate and wash it for a month .. or even put my dirty clothes in the laundry for a month…yeap that was me 😏 To anyone who is at the start of a long term injury…just know it gets better and there is always light at the end of the tunnel 🙃 Hard work , progress , support and determination is all you need and you are gonna get through this 💪 The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tmro 💕 #injury #meniscustear #acl #staystron