BULLEYA IS OUT NOW!!! 🤍🤍 A song i wrote 5 years ago about peace, love & harmony not knowing where it would end up is finally yours today. Yesterday, i lost someone very dear to me. I didn't know if i wanted to release this song today anymore. But then i kept thinking about the lyrics of this song which i wrote about life... 'bandeya ki sochi peh gaya, uth jawana ki palle reh gaya, na kar manmani bullah aye keh gaya, nafs mera kahe... chal chal bulleya, othay chaliye Life is so fragile & short. This song is a message for everyone to be kind, loving & tolerant. Specially in times like these we are in today. Also, a huge thanks to my friend @shaegilll for blessing this song with her soul & vocals. I hope you enjoy & relate to this piece of art from our side. chal chal bulleya... othay chaliye. #bulleya #asimazhar #shaegill #newmusic #newmusicvideo