Chicken, Mash, Roasted Greens & Gravy | EAT THE SEASONS | Episode 7 1 whole chicken 1 onion 1 garlic 1 shallot 2 stalks Rosemary 2 pinch salt 10g black peppercorns 20ml red wine vinegar 50ml white wine 200ml chicken stock Remove the wishbone, legs & wings. Carve the breasts off & break down the carcass. Add the carcass to a hot pan with oil & let it colour. Follow with the chopped veggies, salt, rosemary, black pepper corns, red wine vinegar, white wine & stock. Drain & reduce to make the gravy. Season the breast with salt & put skin down in a hot pan with oil. Once the skin is crispy, add in herbs & garlic. Turn over & finish in the oven at 180C for 15 minutes. 1 bunch cavolo nero 1 bunch swiss chard 1 chilli 2 cloves garlic Chop the greens, chilli & crush the garlic. Add into a hot pan with some water. When the leaves start to shrink, move them to the side & add in some olive oil, the chilli & garlic. Cook until the greens are nice & soft. 4 large potatoes 250g butter 30ml milk 2 pinch salt Bake the potatoes in the oven for 1 hour at 180C. Half & remove the flesh, pass through a sieve. Add the butter, milk, salt, & mix. #eattheseasons #cavolonero #swisschard #chicken #gravy #mash #winter