2 years on big sister job, here’s how she’s been doing 🥹🤎 When people ask me how I teach my kids kindness and love. I always say model the behaviour that you want to see in your children. Children learn by copying their parents. Let them see love at home. Tell them that you love them as often as you can, praise them, pray for\and with them, use positive words on them, give them plenty kisses and hugs, create time for them, and don’t shy away from showing affection to your significant other in front of them. And when I get asked how to help siblings bond… what I always say is get the older sibling involved right from when baby is in the womb. When baby is born, get the older sibling to help when attending to the baby- they love the involvement and it helps them build a bond with the new sibling. Again, make a lot of time for the older sibling... babies require a lot of attention and sometimes parents give the new baby all the attention and focus less on the older sibling... this is often unintentional but it could create jealousy and sometimes resentment. Allow the older sibling to cuddle and play with the new sibling when they want under an adult supervision if older sibling is still young. Lastly, but most importantly let them see love around them at home. Ps: aunty duduke needs to come and tell us what sugar she put in her song because the way these two love the song ehen #fyp #love #baby #bigsister #toddler #foryoupage #parenting #xyzbca