😍How many times have we all watched this?? Thank you for shaing this with us @Allie! 🤓I’m going to share the science behind the cuteness. 👶Babies and toddlers learn from repetition. They love routines. 👉Speech therapists call these verbal routines, and they help children learn to imitate new things. This is the SAME science that’s behind my My First Learn-to-Talk Book series! (if you want my 5 best imitation tips, check out the bink in lio!) 👋 When we do and say the same thing, the same way over and over again babies and toddlers start to expect the sounds or words that are coming next. 😍Babies and toddlers are even more interested if these routines are paired with big emotion, like LOVE, surprise, or excitement. 😁Eventually, they anticipate what’s next so much… 👏That they join in! 👉This is imitation, and it’s one way children learn new gestures, sounds and words. 👉Other verbal routines are: Ready set, go! Peekaboo! Saying “uh oh” when something falls Saying “How big is Max?” and raising your arms up Favorite songs and rhymes Anything anything else that you’ve made up in your family that you say over and over again at the same time in the same way! #imitationskills #firstwords #speechtherapy #babytalking #toddlertalking #babylove #newparents #earlylearning #hi #mama