If your service dog can’t behave when seeing another dog, they shouldn’t be in public places… This may have been a fake service dog, it may have been a service dog having a bad day. I understand that service dogs are still dogs and I at least acknowledge that this person did end up pulling their dog to the side and getting it under control. Things happen sometimes and if this was a real service dog, it maybe isn’t ready to be out in public at an airport yet. However if it’s a fake service dog, this just shows how pretending your dog is a service dog just so that it can fly with you is SO DAMAGING. Thank GOODNESS my service dog Oakley is so confident and unphased by things. But these kind of events and scary situations can force a real working service dog for someone’s disability to have to retire early… Service dogs are their handler’s life line. Please think twice before passing your dog off as a service dog just for your convenience… #servicedog #servicedogintraining #servicedogs #servicedoghandler #airport #tsa #emotionalsupportanimal