Just apply my 30 x 30 method! ⬇️ I also started from ZERO… zero followers & income! & here’s how you can do it too: You are capable of creating a MASSIVE change in your life in just a single month! So you just have to focus on the next 30 days in front of you, day by day. You dedicate ONE hr per day for the next 30 days and trust me you will NOT be in the same place in life. You will be that much closer to reaching your goals! I am just …. a random Puerto Rican chick from a small town didn’t grow up with parents around left & started working at 15 (emancipation from mom - child neglection) Own apartment at 18 w adult bills since got into a physically abusive relationship Car got totaled Got fired dropped out of college 3x found out I had a brain aneurysm turned alcoholic WENT BROKE A COUPLE TIMES!!! In & out with good & bad credit Got into business with a pathological liar & had to clean up LEGAL mess About to complete my pregnancy journey w out a close support system *Just to point out a few reasons I could’ve given up …. But didn’t* I am very familiar with feeling empty, lost, confused, worthless & not capable of … So trust me when I say, If I can do it SO CAN YOU!!! 🤍 Just take it 30 days at a time, by focusing on ONE day at a time. You’ll see for yourself how much you are truly capable of & the amount of progress you can make it such short amount of time! 🙏🏽 #selfgrowthjourney #overcomeyourfear #mompreneurs #contentcreators2023 #soontobemommy #healandgrow