See Nurtec® ODT (rimegepant) 75 mg full PI at @Nurtec ODT (rimegepant) PI. Mom-ing can be tough. Mom-ing with a migraine? That’s a whole other level. To all the Moms who show up for their family—migraine or shine: Nurtec ODT is here to help. Nurtec ODT is the only migraine medication that treats and prevents all in one. Know someone Mom-ing with migraine? Show some love by sharing this post. #MothersDay #CelebrateMom #Moming #MomswithMigraine #nurtecodt Prescription only. Individual results may vary. Nurtec ODT is for the acute treatment of migraine and the preventive treatment of episodic migraine in adults. Select Safety Information: Do not take if allergic to Nurtec ODT. Allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. Allergic reactions include trouble breathing, rash, and swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, or throat. Most common side effects were nausea (2.7%) and indigestion/stomach pain (2.4%). Keep watching for full Approved Uses & Important Safety Information. Talk to your doctor about Nurtec ODT and visit for more information.