Fun story, I was all holier-than-thou when my firstborn was little and I was like “Santa isn’t real baby it’s a story”. My daughter was having NONE OF IT. When she was 3 she ended up telling me “Mama STOP saying that. I think he is!” She told me straight to my face and since then I played along and she loved the whole thing. She now knows “the truth”, she wasn’t remotely bothered and she loves to create the Santa fairytale magic for my other kids. Just to say, you might think you’re “doing it right because you’re not lying to your kids” but there is a huge amount of grey area in there. I told her the truth, she decided that PLAY was more important to her than the physical facts. And I’m very glad I listened to her and didn’t prioritise my preferred parenting method over deeply listening to my child. #santamagic #christmasmagic #santaisreal #fatherchristmas