Color Analysis Session with beautiful @zooeydeschanel It was such a pleasure to meet in person! 🥰 During the analysis, it became clear as day that Zooey is a 100% True Winter! Sorry, True Summers, but muted colors were washing Zooey out, making her complexion appear pale. I was shocked at how evident it was to see the True Winter colors work on Zooey. ✨Her face gained more definition, her beautiful blue eyes became more sparkling and vivid, and her skin was glowing! Perfection! Thank you, Zooey, for having us! Enjoy your gorgeous palette! ♥️ #zooeydeschanel #16seasonscoloranalysis #juliadobkine #agilestyling #ColorAnalysis #SelfColorAnalysis #ColorJourney #PersonalStyle #ColorAnalyst #ColorPalette #ColourPalette #PersonalColorAnalysis #PersonalStyle #ColorConsultant #ColorExpert #ColorJourney #ColorTheory #ColorCoordination #DiscoverYourColors #StyleTransformation #WardrobeRevamp #FashionInspiration #ExpressYourStyle #PersonalStylist