San Diego, California, United States 22.01.2024 #sandiego #california #usa #flood #flooding #floods #inundaciones #inondations #lluvia #tormenta #potop #unitedstates Emergency declared in San Diego as wettest January day on record brings widespread flooding The mayor declared a state of emergency as nearly 3 inches of rain Monday left standing water around multiple locations. #MissionValley #oceanbeach #sandiegocounty #stateroute78 #oceanside #floodwaters #pacific #bajacaliornia #eastbound #havoc #widespread #widespreadflooding povodně, Powódź błyskawiczna, oversvømmelser, potop, overstroming, tulva, zaplavit, üleujutus, oversvømmelse, voldsomme oversvømmelser, inundación, flood, flooding, floods, flashflood, HeavyRains, tormenta, rainfall, alluvione, lluvias, lluvia, chuvas, banjir, enchente, inundaciones, 洪水, thunderstorm, unwetter, unwetterwarnung, فيضانات, ,thunderstorm, alagamentos, wateroverlast, diluvia, 洪水, Flash flooding, flash floods, flooded, flooding, Inundaţii, ploaia torențială, ondergelopen, Unwetterfolgen, cheias, riadas, سيول, Πλημμύρες Flutkatastrophe, Enchente, As cheias de rios e arroios, Chuvarada histórica, Ciclone extratropical causa alagamentos, Alerta vermelho: Tempestades, raios e rajadas de ventos que podem ultrapassar 100 km/h em SC e RStemporal hudih poplav, Πλημμύρισε, floodwaters, Weather Updates Onweer en hagel