The only validation you need comes from within! If you’re constantly seeking approval from others, you will never truly be happy. When happiness comes from external forces, it means it can be taken away from us. And that’s a scary and unfortunate way to live. If love is on your agenda for 2023 DM me so we can get you on the right track! 💕 But you don’t have to take my word for it, ask my many clients (since 2016) who are now happily coupled, getting engaged, or married and starting families. #DatingTip #DatingTip #DatingAdviceForWomen #DatingTipForWomen #datingcoach #Dating101 #DateAdvice #datingadviceforwomen #dating #findinglove #singlelife #foreversingle #singlewomen #singlewoman #findlove #findahusband #findtruelove #datingprogram #datingcourse #datingcoachforwomen #datingbelike #externalvalidation #externalvalidationnotrequired #validation