In a realm where the waves dance and swell, Lies a story of a magical sea shell. It shimmered with hues of silver and blue, a treasure sought by creatures old and new. . Amidst the coral, beneath the ocean’s crest, a wise turtle swam, both calm and blessed. He gazed upon the shell with ancient eyes, Its magic whispered secrets, a marvelous surprise. . The turtle, so kind, with a gentle grace, Carried the shell to a mystical place. He shared its magic with creatures far and wide, And hope blossomed like the rising tide. . Remember, dear friend, in life’s ebb and flow, Believe in magic wherever you may go. For even a humble shell and a wise old turtle, Can inspire miracles and make dreams fertile. . Next shop update on July 8th @ . . . #seaturtle #turtleart #rainbowturtle #rainbowreef #magicart #turtle #🐢 #turtlesofinstagram