Three years ago, I met this man and within a few hours my intuition just KNEW that we were meant for each other ✨💫 He is the love of my life, my best friend and my biggest cheerleader 🥹 I honestly don’t think this business would have got to where it is today without him 💕 He’s the calming, secure voice of reason in moments where doubts or fears surface ✨ He encourages me to courageously keep chasing my dreams, and he’s forever reminding me of my talent, resilience, and worthiness of all I desire 🙏🏻 A few years ago, I wrote in my journal: “Dear universe, please align me with someone kind, loving, supportive and full of fun, warm energy 🌞” And of course, the universe delivered 💫🔮 He’s all of those things and so much more. I feel so unbelievably lucky to have such a special partner to call my *forever* person. And even luckier that he feels the same about me 🥹❤️🥲 Now to manifest the most magical wedding day… 🥹💕💍👰🏼🤵🏻♂️ #manifestsoulmate #soulmatelove #howtomanifestlove #manifestingsoulmate #manifestinglove #manifestingmysoulmate #engagementday #engagementring #heproposed #manifesthusband