White Wealth Deity, also known as White Treasure King, is the compassionate manifestation of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva. Within Tibetan Buddhism, White Wealth Deity is one of the Five Wealth Deities, known in Tibetan as "Zanbu Lugarbu" or "Zanglagapu," which means White Wealth Deity. He is often depicted riding a dragon and is also known as the Dragon-Riding Vajra of Wealth. White Wealth Deity is portrayed as having one head and two arms, with a gentle and compassionate expression that also carries a hint of wrath. In his right hand, he holds a precious mongoose aloft in the sky, and in his left hand, he clutches a treasure spitting mongoose. He also wields a trident in his left arm, symbolizing the gathering of the merits of all wealth deities to alleviate the suffering of hungry beings. His playful posture while seated on a blue dragon signifies the liberation from poverty for both oneself and others. The practice of White Wealth Deity is specifically aimed at ensuring that practitioners have ample material wealth and brings great merits. The mantra for White Wealth Deity is: "Om Bema Tzodaa Ariya Zampala Sidaa HUNG PHET." White Wealth Deity is the guardian of wisdom, merits, and wealth. It is believed to be a compassionate emanation of Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, symbolizing purity and the ability to bestow all beings with precious wealth. Engaging in the practice of White Wealth Deity can help dispel diseases, eliminate poverty, remove obstacles, and enhance virtuous deeds, leading to abundance in material possessions and wealth. #TibetanBuddhism #WhiteWealthDeity #BuddhistDeities #Prosperity #BuddhismPractice #Spirituality #MantraMeditation #WealthandWisdom #Avalokiteshvara #白财神 #观音菩萨 #藏传佛教 #密宗 #singaporetiktok #buddhistworship #Blessings #Abundance #WealthProtector #singapore