Now that baby is one month safe and sound, I wanted to share my third trimester journey with everyone. It was challenging as Joyce was in breech position and I tried everything I could to try and flip her. I don’t think enough people share their birthing experience and complications, so I wanted to share my to shed some light as to what happened. I realized that I had this unconscious bias that I need to go through a natural birth due to perceived societal pressure (and partially I was curious how the experience would be, but it wasn’t a non negotiable decision). But honestly, as long as both baby and I are safe, it doesn’t matter how she was conceived 🥰 Know that there is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to do things, when things happen, keep an open mind and embrace it. Sending lots of love to all the mommas out there and know that you are perfect the way you are 🥰 #breech #breechbaby #thirdtrimester #birthexperience