My son said this randomly a few weeks ago. It hurt to hear because I felt so bad for him… I knew exactly how he felt. I used to wish for the same thing for my parents when I was his age. When he said this I quite literally had flashbacks to my childhood 💔. Talk about generational trauma and curses. So what did I say? Well, first I cried. So did he. We cried together. I told him I understood how he felt because I used to wish the same of Papa and Nana. I know he misses Daddy and wishes he could see him more. We are always trying to maximize his time with Daddy. But Mommy and Daddy getting remarried is not the answer and will not happen. I wrnt on to briefly touch on how we werent happy together and it’s better for everyone including him and his brother if they didn’t see us unhappy together. And just like my parents told me, I said that some day he will understand. 💔 Until that day comes, I will continue putting the boys at the forefront of all decisions. I will always support a positive relationship between them and their father. I will always push for more visits and more time for them to all be together. Divorce is unfortunately a genetational trauma and oattern in our families. I did not escape it, but I am working hard to change how it look and affects my children. I pray they can escape it altogether, if they choose to marry. —— ##divorcedparents##divorced##divorcedmom##divorcedmomsoftiktok##divorcedmoms##singlemom##singlemomlife##singlemama##singleparent##coparenting##generationaltrauma##breakingthecycle##cyclebreaker