when we first picked tractive, we didn't have any wifi available in the area. the battery would last 3-5 days which was manageable. now that we do have wifi, the battery lasts around two weeks. great Pyrenees and other farm dogs are known to roam . it's not uncommon to find him 5miles away cutting through neighbors fields. The key is, I can click live and find him immediately instead of driving around for hours calling his name. he's living his best life and I'm confident he's safe. Customer service is lacking, and we've rigged up some duck tape bc the blue bands do not hold up. but for $108 a year this is a pet product I can live without #petsoftiktok #petproducts #gpstracker #gpstrackerreview #review #farmdogsoftiktok #lostdogfound #doglivingitsbestlife #offleashdog #offleashtraining #greatpyrenees #greatpyreneeslife #ticktockshop #comissions #bestgpstracker #honestreview #myfavoritethings