It’s the calm before the storm! We have a little bit of time to go and do things me and the kiddos and then sometimes my husband, Michael, who is also the farmer. We’re about to hit summer season so soon enough, we will have no time with Michael, we will still be going on trips me and the kids and doing our thing as well as working at the farm for summer season and the farmstand but my husband will be at the farm 24/7. He worked so hard so we have the opportunity to go and do the things to keep the kids busy which I am so appreciate of. I’ve been on “maternity leave” as a farmhand during business hours, including the other farm stuff that we do but as of teaching with field trips and working the farmstand and stuff I have been on maternity leave because I can’t do it with Waylon yet. So I’m enjoying my little bit of time left before we open for summertime.! ##farmerswife##farmerswifelife##farmerskids##farmliving##livingthedream##azfarms##arizonalocalfarms##azmama##lookatmylife##marchrecap